After being in an auto accident, you might not realize right away if you were injured. Some injuries may take several weeks after the initial shock to manifest themselves. Headaches and migraines are one symptom that might not rear its head right away. The root cause of your headaches must be addressed so that you can experience pain relief and be able to go about your daily life. Byers Chiropractic and Massage: Car Accident Urgent Care is here to help.
Many different types of car accident injuries can cause headaches. Car accidents can cause severe jolting motions, leading to injuries. Rear-end accidents can thrust the body forcefully back and forth. They can also cause a victim to hit the interior of the vehicle, the steering wheel, or items in the car. Car accidents can put a strain on and even tear the body’s muscles, spine, joints, and tendons. Trauma from injuries can cause inflammation, which can affect blood flow to the brain and cause headaches.
Pretty much everyone has had a headache at some point in their life. Although they are painful and inconvenient, they usually don’t last very long. If your headache is because of a car accident that you were in, however, it can be chronic. No matter how minor the accident you were in was, it could still have caused injury. When you work with a chiropractor, you can find solutions to your headaches that are safe and non-invasive.
In this article, we will go over topics such as: the car accident injuries that can cause headaches, the types of headaches people can get from car accident injuries, how chiropractic care can benefit your and relieve your headaches, and more. If you were in a crash and are now dealing with headaches, set up an appointment with your local Kent chiropractor so that you can get the care and healing you deserve.
Causes of Headaches From Car Accident Injuries
There are multiple reasons you could suffer from headaches after a car accident. Some of the common causes are: neck injuries, anxiety or stress from the accident, sleep loss, spinal injuries such as disc herniation, whiplash, or physical trauma to the head in the crash. You might get a headache right away after the accident, or it could take some time to show up. In any case, you should not ignore possible auto accident injury symptoms.
The smartest thing to do if you were in a car accident is to make sure that you weren’t injured. Obviously go to the emergency room if you are seriously injured, and then visit a chiropractor to get examined for less obvious injuries. Chiropractic methods are gentle and work to help the body heal itself. Car accidents can cause different types of headaches. If someone already deals with migraines or chronic headaches, an accident could make them more severe and frequent.
Common types of headaches after a car crash:
Whiplash headaches are probably the most common types of headache that car accident victims experience. Whiplash happens when the head and neck get jerked back and forth forcefully in an accident. This powerful “whipping” motion can cause damage to the soft tissues in the neck, such as muscles and tendons.
When you suffer from muscle strain in your upper back, neck, head, or shoulders in an accident, it can cause long-lasting issues. Accidents can overextend your muscle fibers, leading to discomfort, spasms, and pain in the affected area. These injuries can also cause headaches from strain.
Concussions can result from a car accident if the victim hit their head. Concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that happens when the brain impacts the inside of the skull and gets bruised. Headaches from concussions can be serious. If you suspect you may have gotten a concussion in your accident, it’s important to see a doctor.
The spine runs through your whole back and neck, and is composed of vertebrae and discs. Car accidents can cause injuries to the spine, such as herniated discs. This can put pressure on your nerves and lead to headaches.
It’s important to make sure that you are getting the care you need if you are suffering from headaches after a car accident. Set up an appointment with a chiropractor in Kent today so that you can receive a health evaluation. Whether your headaches are from concussion, whiplash, or something else, we can help alleviate your symptoms. Byers Chiropractic and Massage: Car Accident Urgent Care will address the underlying cause of your headaches.
If you suffer from chronic headaches after being involved in a collision, chiropractic treatment can help. Chiropractic adjustments can reduce inflammation in the neck and back by realigning the spine. Massage therapy can help improve circulation in the body, which can help relieve migraines and headaches. A chiropractor will make a specialized, comprehensive treatment plan for you.
The goal of chiropractic care is to address the root cause of your symptoms. If you rely on pain medications alone, it just masks the pain without treating the cause of your pain. Spinal adjustments and massage therapy can help you heal naturally. Many people choose chiropractic treatment because it is a non-invasive, non-surgical solution for car accident injuries. It works to encourage the body’s natural healing properties.
At Byers Chiropractic and Massage: Car Accident Urgent Care, we know firsthand how chiropractic care can help people suffering from headaches after a car accident. During our initial meeting, we will go over your health history and assess you for injuries. Once we know where your pain points are and more about your lifestyle, we will be able to create a treatment plan for you with exercises, spinal adjustments, and massage therapy. Some of the benefits of seeing a chiropractor include improved overall health, lowered stress levels, better quality of sleep, and a better-functioning body. If you were in a car accident and are experiencing headaches or any other injury symptoms, get in touch with Byers Chiropractic and Massage: Car Accident Urgent Care.