Many people don’t know what exactly auto accident massage is. Getting injuries in accidents is sadly very common. In some situations, a victim may not realize that they have been injured until a few days or even weeks after the accident happened. Even if the damage to your vehicle was minor, you should still get your health evaluated by a medical professional.
It is important that you get treatment for your injuries sooner rather than later because leaving them to heal improperly can cause issues such as chronic pain. Pain and stiffness can make it difficult to carry out daily tasks, work, and hobbies. If you were involved in a car accident, massage therapy may be recommended as part of your recovery plan. Massage is great for targeting soft tissue injuries that car accidents often cause. This includes headaches, whiplash, back pain, achiness, torn ligaments, and more. Massage is also effective at lowering stress and anxiety, and helping people relax after they were involved in a traumatic event such as a car accident.
Some of the typical goals of massage therapy after someone has been in a car accident include improving circulation, lowering anxiety and stress, lowering swelling, inflammation, and pain, preventing chronic pain from developing, reducing cramping and muscle spasms, improving flexibility and mobility, and enabling proper healing.
Not every car accident victim will experience the same symptoms. Emotional and physical trauma because of an accident can cause long-lasting problems, so it’s important to get the care you need. Byers Chiropractic & Massage: Car Accident Urgent Care will work with you to create a treatment plan that is made for you specifically. We have experience using techniques and treatment methods that can help you make a full recovery.
Even if you were not injured in an auto accident, it can still be traumatic to go through. You have to deal with car repair, paperwork, insurance claims, and more. Getting massage therapy is a great way to help your body relax after you were in an auto accident. Our car accident massage therapist in Kent can have you feeling better in no time.
The good news is that your insurance might actually cover massage therapy. Your insurance policy might have something called personal injury protection, abbreviated as PIP. PIP coverage means that your insurance may cover a certain amount of your medical expenses from your accident injuries. If you haven’t used too much of it already, it might cover the cost of getting massage therapy.
If you were involved in a car accident and the other person is to blame for what happened, then their insurance policy could cover massage therapy for you and other types of treatment. You may have to file a personal injury claim to get compensation. It depends on your personal policy, situation, and the insurance company. The surest way to find out if your insurance covers massage therapy is to contact your insurance company directly. The insurance representatives can tell you if the cost of treatment is covered, and if there are any specific requirements you have to meet.
Massage also has psychological benefits, such as improving mood. Massage has a fast positive effect on the nervous system. Even if you weren’t severely physically injured in an accident, car accidents can be traumatic events. When you get massage therapy, your body’s circulation can improve. Massage is helpful at relaxing patients and allowing them to balance their emotions. You should reach out to book an appointment as soon as you can after your accident so that you can start experiencing the benefits of chiropractic care and massage.
There have been studies that provide evidence that massage is helpful in treating and easing mental illness conditions. This includes chronic anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). While a massage usually won’t be able to completely heal these conditions on its own, or necessarily prevent them from developing, it can’t hurt. It is important not to ignore your mental health after you were in an accident, but instead take whatever steps you can to heal completely. Total health includes not just physical, but also emotional well-being.
Auto accidents often cause injuries to the neck and spine’s soft tissues. Whiplash is one of the most common injuries that people sustain from car accidents. Soft tissue injuries often respond well to massage therapy in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments. Massage increases blood circulation, which helps bring nutrients through the blood to injured areas.
Massage is also helpful in breaking up the scar tissue so that you don’t heal improperly. It also relieves pain from soft tissue injuries and can prevent it from becoming chronic. Whiplash can cause symptoms such as stiffness and reduce your range of motion. When you get a massage done by professionals, your symptoms can markedly improve. Many car accident injury victims also suffer from knee injuries. Massage therapy can promote healing for the joint’s soft tissues, and relieve pain.
Massage therapy may also be useful in treating people that suffered a concussion. In the days and weeks following a car accident, a victim may realize that they got a concussion from the crash. For people that had a concussion, or are dealing with problems after getting a concussion, massage techniques can help. Your chiropractor in Kent can create a treatment plan that addresses all of your needs.
Being in a car accident can cause soreness in places that you might not expect. You might not remember hitting your shoulder or lower back, but it sure feels like you did. This is because the shock and force of a car accident can cause aches in your whole body. One of the best benefits of massage is that it provides relief from soreness and generalized pain.
Reach out to Byers Chiropractic & Massage: Car Accident Urgent Care to find out how massage therapy can benefit you! Our caring team members are ready to help you on your recovery journey.